The course was based out of a campsite near Banff. I lucked out and got two of the best instructors in the business - Colin Zacharias and Marc Piche. For most of the week I was paired up with Kris Irwin, a rock-solid dude and fellow hooligan, so spirits were always high.
Kris lowering Colin off Castle Tower
Crossing a river at 6am on our way up the mighty Mt. Lorette in K-country
Kris on some righteous rockstone partway up Lorette
Lowering Kris and Colin down some glacier ice on the Icefields Parkway
Kris posing between glacier slogging on Mt. Huber
Kris and Olivier doing what I tell them on Mt. Victoria
The rock is soo good here I hardly miss the granite...
Icefall navigation
More icefall nav
An unnamed instructor being placed supine during a rescue exercise on the last day